Style Change


Alright, although it may not be that big of a change, I did decide to update the methods I was using to draw my comics.

In complete honesty, there was actually a bit of a gap between the first three comics and the ones I’m making now.

Just compare it to One Piece; they took a break and came back stronger. I am the same. I’m just not as flexible.


Hey Everyone, it’s me! Who’s me? Good question!

Who’s asking…

No, I’m only kidding.

For now, at least…

I’m just here to introduce myself. My name is Mitch and I make comics for you to enjoy. As you can see from the title of this webpage, Life Until Death was created as a way for you to unwind and have a laugh.

If you don’t like laughing, then leave now. Or perhaps don’t, to be honest I don’t even know if my jokes are that funny, no one has told me otherwise.

Despite my unusually negative approach to the outside world, I made this series in hopes that I can make others laugh. Even if you only smile for a split second.

You don’t even have to tell anyone that you did. I’m looking towards you, the gothic-emo people of the internet.

To be honest, I’m actually not that good at drawing either, so it’s really a lose-lose on the whole “Comic Comedy” business. But oh well, sh*t happens.
